Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Google+ Account has Been Suspended!

So one day after an exciting day at Sugarcube Corner, I decided to check out my stream in Google+. But then Google told me that my account is being suspended, and they will review my profile in a couple of days! I hope they don't delete my account... If they do, then I guess so long, everypony in Google+!


  1. Pinkie Pie, I'm your biggest fan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm funny like you, I love pink, I love parties, I have a pet, have your agenda, and I LOVE chocolate, especially if a shower of chocolate! , And I have a friend who is the biggest fan of Applejack, please give it to her ta say it?? Pinkie, to tell you all that I used Google translator, I speak in Portuguese, but even then I'm your biggest fan !!!!!

  2. I know that feel. Fight for your name! :)

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